”Jan has a very calming, reassuring and professional approach. I have benefited greatly from her ability to understand what is really going on physically and how best to help me. If you are considering Bowen, try it – I recommend Jan without hesitation.” Ms L, Wellington
”Several years ago you gave me Bowen treatment for my hay fever. Since then I am very pleased to say that even on days with a high pollen count I have been symptom free.” Mr I, Shrewsbury
”I have seen Jan numerous times over a number of years for various aches and pains. Being heavily involved in sports such as cricket and hockey means it is hard to stay injury-free at times. Jan is very thorough when trying to establish what is causing my problems, and always explains how the treatment will work. The treatment is amazing, generally I feel much better as soon as the day after the treatment. ” Mr T, Shrewbsury
“Dear Jan – Just come back from a brisk 30 min walk, with no pain or stiffness. It feels great. I spent last weekend with the family in Northumbria and we walked a lot. I probably overdid it, but it was so great to be able to walk normally without pain or limping.” Ms R, Cheshire
”I would happily recommend anyone to use Jan’s Bowen expertise. She is simply the most professional and effective therapist I have ever visited. Her depth of knowledge together with an intuition that you cannot ‘learn’ is rare. Having tried many different therapies over the years, only Jan’s Bowen has tamed the severe, debilitating migraines I had suffered from.” Ms C, Newport
”My stiff neck, tightness in my jaw, and sore lower back have improved dramatically! I would have no hesitation in recommending Jan and the Bowen Technique – it has made a fantastic difference to me.” Mr M, Grinshill
”Excellent therapist, her Bowen treatments have helped me manage my back pain without medication and I continue to see her once or twice a year to maintain my wellbeing.” Mrs M, Much Wenlock
”S has been great since the Bowen treatment – she is full of energy, has a good appetite, is sleeping undisturbed, has had no time off school, and is a constant buzz of activity. She has had no wheezing, and we don’t need the inhaler any more.” Ms S, Condover
”Over 40 years I have sought a solution to my pain many times, but Bowen is the first thing that has really helped. Thank you Jan from the bottom of my heart for the improvement in my health – I cannot remember when I last felt as good as I do now.” Ms J, Welshpool
”In the past I have suffered with extremely bad backache, bedridden at times. Over time Jan has re-balanced me. My body feels centered which has made me feel much stronger and better. Jan’s ability to help and to heal comes with the highest recommendation.” Ms C, Cardington
”My first treatment with Jan was 5 years ago for sciatica and the results were amazing. Been back several times for different health problems and Jan always works wonders.” Ms S, Shrewsbury
”I have had several sessions with Jan with fantastic results. A re-balancing treatment has led to a dramatic reduction in the severity of my migraines (I have had them for over 20 years). They are now mild, with no sickness or need to withdraw from the world for several days – which is just totally wonderful. I find it hard to put into words the relief and liberation that this has brought. Jan is an empathetic and professional therapist, whom I would highly recommend.” Ms D, Cressage
“Just Incredible! I cannot thank Jan enough for the Bowen treatment I received. I had 3 treatments for a back issue, stiffness, nerve pain and sciatica down my leg. Since those treatments (several years ago) I have not had a hint of a twinge. I now practice an active lifestyle of running, canoeing, swimming and yoga happily. I can highly recommend Jan.” Ms C, Staffordshire
”Success! I have been headache-free now for nearly three weeks. Many, many thanks.” Mr D, Montgomery
Baby colic. ”It seemed to be worse Weds night after the treatment but since then each day he has got better and better. Nights are so much easier. He also seems to be more settled during feeds and has fed to sleep loads which almost never happens. He is smiling more and starting to chat lots and appears to be so much more comfortable now.” Ms M, Shrewsbury